
Inov-8 330 Mudclaw Review

Click the link to view the Inov-8 330 MudclawAnyone whose read my earlier posts knows that I'm an Inov-8 convert.I have been using their trail shoes for several years and recently tried and liked their lightest race shoe the 212 X-Talon.As the trails recently be a tad around the slippy side I needed to locate something after some more grip than my Adidas Kanadia trail shoes. The X-Talon's have fantastic grip but they offer very little support so whilst they're ideal for racing they are not that good for churning out the miles in training.I've never been a big fan of Inov-8′s fell shoe styling (212 excepted) but recent changes for their colourways plus some subtle changes to the uppers have, in my opinion, improved the range considerably.?We all know that exactly what a fell shoe looks like shouldn't matter a hoot?but we are all aware it does and how things look can have a big effect, even when it's?all in the mind.When searching for a grippy trail shoe the 330 caught my attention and whilst I understand it's designed to be considered a fell racer the upper?does look more like a trail shoe.These shoes do feel slightly larger than the same sized 212 but I guess that's to become expected because the 212 should be a tight fitting stripped down racer.Following a obligatory walk around the house for a day, my first run?within the 330s would be a 90 minute trot around Baildon Moor and the very first thing you notice is the massive levels of traction that the heavily studded sole supplies. The shoes really inspire confidence in muddy conditions and certainly live up to their name.The shoes are extremely comfy and although nice and little as a great off-road shoe ought to be, they offer descent cushioning from the midsole and also a noticable amount of welcome'bounce' in the studs on hard surfaces.The heel is very low, a feature of Inov-8 shoes that we still don't fully understand, and initially?I could feel a little movement when climbing steep wholesale jordans shoes ground. This has basically?disappeared now?the shoes have been?wet and dried several times and started to mould to my feet but I would rather a greater heel to ensure the movement isn't there to begin with.Another issue is the shoe's capability to handle wet rock-put simply, they don't! Knowing this you'll be able to?use them very effectively but the first couple of times you attempt them on a wet, hard, cambered surface the results can be very un-nerving. What I learn about shoe design / manufacture you can write around the back of a small stamp but I want to have experienced two lines of studs running across the length of the sole unit which were produced from super soft sticky rubber.For those who have a relatively efficient style and keep light on your feet these shoes can be used for almost anything from hard packed trails towards the high fells however i think they'll really come into their very own on long-distance fell races where comfort, support?and grip are needed.I've now done around 15 hours within the shoes and overall I like them very much and would gladly recommend them. If? you try before you buy to make sure you obtain the right size and become aware of their dislike of wet rock, you'll not go far wrong.Click the link to see the Inov-8 330 Mudclaw