
Sports facility decision angers

  A decision by Matamata-Piako District Council not to build a new community sports facility in Matamata has infuriated a man who pledged $750,000 toward the project.
Speaking from from Australia, Matamata man Bruce Magan said he had little faith in any decisions made by the council any more.
"They just want to look at our neighbouring districts and those district councils who have invested in top class facilities for members of their communities," Mr Magan said.
"We are standing still while the rest of the world is moving ahead."
But Matamata-Piako District Mayor Hugh Vercoe said $2 million had been allocated to the upgrade of Headon Stadium in the year 2015-2016 and if a community group in Matamata could come up with a good case to build a new facility, the council would investigate the option further.
Because of Matamata's relative isolation, Mr Magan said it would have been perfectly suited for a new community sports facility.
"The only way a new facility can be built is with the council's support," Mr Magan said.
Meanwhile the $3 million that was to be allocated to the building of a new library in Matamata has been held back.
"It's not the time for us to be doing something like that," Mr Vercoe said.
The council will spend $50,000 to investigate the idea of building a new community centre and will look at renovating the memorial centre.
"The memorial centre is a fantastic facility and with a bit of work could become an ideal conference centre."  

